Baileys Women’s Prize for Fiction 2014 Winner

It seems like a very long time since we learned of the short list.

My blog post about the shortlist is here, and it gives a one sentence summary about each of the books, the only book I have read and reviewed, so of course it is my favourite is Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Americanah which I reviewed here.

Here are the six novels that were shortlisted for the prize:

Today Peirene Press are running their weekly quiz using the hashtag #PeiQuiz and their question is:


My answer to the quiz was:


a book I read recently, which was not only a great story, but one you won’t be able to stop thinking about and one I gave a rare 5 stars to. You can read the review here if you missed it.

But back to the Baileys Prize!

The winner of the Baileys Women’s Prize for Fiction in 2014 is….



Baileys 2014 winner

Congratualtions to Eimear McBride and Galley Beggars Press, a fabulous result for a novel that was written in six months and took 10 years to find its place in the world, proof if ever there was for writers to continue to persevere!

Further Reading

Review Eric Karl Anderson at Lonesome Reader, who read them all and accurately picked the winner, he writes excellent reviews, I recommend following

Review Anne Enright’s review of A Girl is a Half-Formed Thing in The Guardian.