Literary Blog Hop Book #Giveaway

From today until Wednesday June 25th I am participating along with many other international bloggers in a Literary Blog Hop Giveaway hosted by Judith at Leeswamme’s Blog, an avid reader and reviewer from the Netherlands.


Comment below to win the books I am offering and visit the other blogs to enter their offers.

I am offering two books, recent reads and not the usual thing you find in a bookshop. Both titles are literary gems, one an award-winning Norwegian translation, the other a riveting, thought-provoking glimpse into a cross cultural family that thanks to blogging and twitter connections I became aware of. They are fabulous reads, but do check out my reviews first to find out if they sound like something you might enjoy.

You can enter for one title only or for both, one comment puts you in the draw for both books, unless you tell me you are only interested in one of the titles. Ok, here they are:


The Blue Room by Hanne Ørstavik translated by Deborah Dawkin – read my review here.

“a gripping portrayal of a mother-daughter relationship that will send a chill down your spine.”


Carrots and Jaffas by Howard Goldenberg – read my review here.

 “a glimpse into the heart of an ancient land and a fractured family, through the story of a stolen child.”


BlogHop Button

To enter the giveaway, open worldwide to anyone whether you have a blog or not, just leave a comment below to be entered in the draw.

Follow my blog Word by Word to get two chances to win and mention it in your comment.

Follow the blog Word by Word and @clairewords on twitter to have three entries in the draw.

If you are already following, make sure to remind me in your comment.

Good Luck and enjoy visiting the other blogs listed here, just click to visit:

Linky List:

  1. Leeswammes
  2. The Misfortune of Knowing
  3. Bibliosue
  4. Too Fond
  5. Under a Gray Sky
  6. Read Her Like an Open Book (US)
  7. My Devotional Thoughts
  8. WildmooBooks
  9. Guiltless Reading
  10. Fourth Street Review
  11. Nishita’s Rants and Raves
  12. Word by Word
  13. Words And Peace (US)
  14. Ciska’s Book Chest
  15. Falling Letters
  16. Roof Beam Reader
  17. Readerbuzz
  18. The Relentless Reader (US)
  19. Mom’s Small Victories (US)
  20. Daily Mayo (US)
  1. The Emerald City Book Review (US)
  2. A Lovely Bookshelf on the Wall
  3. Lost Generation Reader
  4. Booklover Book Reviews
  5. Bay State Reader’s Advisory
  6. River City Reading (US)
  7. Books Speak Volumes
  8. Words for Worms
  9. Wensend
  10. Bibliophile’s Retreat
  11. Readers’ Oasis
  12. The Book Musings
  13. My Book Retreat (N. Am.)
  14. Books on the Table (US)

46 thoughts on “Literary Blog Hop Book #Giveaway

  1. I think this is the first time I am participating in a giveaway hosted by you, Claire 🙂 Please enter me for the book ‘The Blue Room’. I really want to find out whether the heroine came out of the locked room and what happened to her and her mother after that.


    • You are one step ahead of me! Fingers crossed for the giveaway, but if you don’t win, I think you should seriously consider a subscription with Peirene Press, they seem to me to be just the kind of book I would find in your reading list. I’m really happy with my subscription.


      • Thanks for the recommendation, Claire. I loved all your reviews of Peirene Press books and have added all of them to my ‘TBR’ list. I am hoping to subscribe to them sometime soon.


  2. I love unusual books, and these both sound great! Thanks so much for hosting.

    I follow your blog via WordPress reader as readthegamut@wordpress and follow you on Twitter as @candisscarter.


  3. Yours was the second ever blog I followed on here and dare I say it the best (flattery can’t hurt my chances, Stethinks), you were a later follower on Twitter but you are still my favourite on that too! Both books sound awesome and somebody is going to be a very happy reader.


  4. I would like to win either or both. Your reviews are intriguing, and I would like to read more international literature in translation! I follow via WordPress and on Twitter (@baystateRA).


  5. Both books sounds fantastic!

    Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
    WordPress: BookAttict
    Twitter: @BookAttict


  6. Both books sound fascinating! I would enjoy either I am sure. My email address is elizabethkjaeger(at)gmail(dot)com.


  7. Hi, Claire! I’d really like to join your giveaway for both books :)). And I’m already following your blog and twitter. Hope I can win!! Thanks for the GA :))


  8. Having just read the reviews of both books, it is very hard for me to choose. 🙂 Being greedy and saying that I wouldn’t mind the two.

    Following you on WP and Twitter already. 🙂 Thank you for hosting 🙂


    • Of course, I’ll put your name down for both, that’s not greedy at all, if you like the sound of both, then all the better and more chance for you! 🙂 Would love to be sending a package to Ghana! Fingers crossed.


  9. Hi!
    I would like to enter for both books; they look great and I didn’t know either of them.
    I’m following you via WordPress and Twitter (@IsiOrejas).
    Thank you very much for the giveaway!!


  10. I’d love to win Carrots and Jaffas! Thanks for the chance. I’m already following you on WordPress and on Twitter (my twitter handle is @koiviolet). 🙂


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